When I asked him why he did it, he said he thought it would be funny. Yeah it's so funny everyone forgot to laugh.
When I got the call I broke down crying. I can't believe a raised a kid like this? Where did I go wrong? Instead of him getting better things are still getting worse.
Jerry Novick said...
First off, Brandi - do not blame yourself. You obviously care very deeply about your children and have made efforts to guide and help R. I think at this point it can be assumed that in R.'s case, there is a chemical imbalance that is excacerbating behavioral problems.
While the medical issues are being sorted out - and deep patience is needed for that, because it does take time - perhaps you might want to read up on dealing with strong-willed children, to help you formulate strategies for dealing with the behavior. There are many books out there on the subject of strong-willed children (Dr. James Dobson is one author who comes to mind) and on parenting kids with ADHD-type disorders and other behavioral problems.
Good fortune and God bless. We'll be praying for all of you.
X said...
having a joint poem thingy at my blog, do drop by and write someth if yer have the time ^^