I sure hope not. We've only had our pup for 3 months and don't think we'd be able to give him up. And I'm already allergic to cats!
Story Charms said...
You certainly can - cats too. It happened to me ages ago and I was gutted, I loved that cat. Luckily, my Mum took her in; I really couldn'tlive with her. And that was after about ten years!
Good news - there are shampoos and lotions available either online or from your vet / pet superstore, that remove or neutralize the main cause of the problem - which is 'dander' - in other words, your dog's normal skin cells after they are shed. A HEPA filter vacuum cleaner is another must.
So don'tlose heart - help may be at hand!
Tasha said...
Thanks for your comment. I don't know about the dog...My husband was allergic to our baby for awhile right after he was born..comes to find out it was the baby detergent. I have a new site with party planning
Maybe it can help with the b-day party! good luck!
Giu said...
It's easy to find out what you're allergic to, just go and get tested for allergies. They will give you answers and a cure tailored on your problems.
Some drugs have annoying side-effects like making you dizzy, sleepy or increasing your appetite and so on, therefore you better put yourself in the hands of a professional. Good luck :)