That should count for something, shouldn't it?
Oliviah said...
I don't know about your cooking, lol, but I did want to tell you that your blogs layout is fantastic! The colors and the whole way you have it set up makes it attractive and really easy to read. Some blogs, I can only read just so far even if I am really interested in what they are saying. Great look!
kyknoord said...
Indeed it should. Especially after you spend all that time picking out the nasty bits. Some people really need to learn gratitude.
Elena said...
Amen kyknord! Keep on cookin girl! :)
Funny that you mention this now. As I type, I'm waiting for my kids to eat the beef stew I made for dinner. You should see this stuff, it came out amazingly well... but God forbid I try to get vegetables into these guys. Urgh.
CozyMama said...
Yes it should! Tell them to shut up and eat. :)